Thoughts from attending the Community Land Scotland Conference

Talking to community landowners and others that attended the recent Community Land Scotland conference really highlighted the wealth of knowledge and understanding within communities. The focus was on biodiversity and land which led to some excellent discussions from differing perspectives. Each perspective is influenced by lived experience which often comes from the jobs you have had. 

My CV covers a lot of quite different jobs but like many people living in the Highlands, I currently have more than one job. My main job is working for the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub, but I also work as a shepherd for a local sheep stock club, among other things. Over the last few weeks, I have been out on the hill gathering the sheep and for this time of year, I have never seen the ground so dry. Occasionally it gets like this towards the end of summer, but it is only June - the bogs are dry, the burns have barely a trickle, and the moss is like dust. In Broadford, they are having to take drastic measures to ensure drinking water for the village. 

What a contrast to the last couple of years when it has been too wet to spread manure on the ground without causing considerable damage. This year, all the manure has been spread already but the ground is now tinder dry. This is where climate change mitigation needs consideration for community led projects. The question is, what is appropriate, where could it be done, and how. 

Highland Adapts have a map that allows you to add a story about how you experience and respond to weather and climate in the Highlands. Your experiences give valuable insights into our region's future risks and opportunities in the face of more frequent extreme weather events and other climate changes in the future. You can submit your stories and experiences to the map, here.  

That’s the way to share the impact you are seeing – but what about things that can be done?  

This is where the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub can help – is there a wonderful idea that has been percolating that could work in your area? What change would the community like to see? How can we help you access the right support, expertise, and funding?  


🌊 Introducing Seashore HUB! 🌊


Dissertation Request - Calling all Hub members!