Francesca Perotti

Development Officer, Orkney Islands

Francesca grew up in Italy, but her wanderlust led her through various countries until she made Orkney her home in 2022.

She has worked in the renewable energy sector and holds a Bachelor in Geography from Paris Sorbonne IV and an MSc in Energy, Society and Sustainability from the University of Edinburgh.

Francesca is passionate about understanding the relationships between people and places, how this forges placemaking and intersects with social justice issues. Not surprising for a geographer! She is committed to a just transition and to communities leading their own future.

In her spare time, she is usually organising social gatherings with her friends, attempting to garden (when the Orcadian weather allows it), exploring local sites, attending local community events and learning about other cultures. She still loves travelling and makes sure to try the local delicacies everywhere she visits.

You can contact Francesca by email on the button below.