Red Chair Highland - Spring Grow Your Own Kits

Back in March 2023, Red Chair Highalnd applied sucessfully for funding from The Highlands and Islands Climate Action Fund to produce and distribute Grow Your Own Kits.

These kits contained a small compostable bag of compost, 4 biodegradable plant pots, 4 packs of seeds - Carrots, Radish, Spinach and Peas - and also instruction on how to sow the seeds and take care of them. Once made, these kits were given out to the local community and also local organisations such as Connecting Carers, The Orchard Respite Centre, Apex Highland, and Velocity Cafe for part of their climate change events.

Red Chair also had an afternoon of fun at their urban garden outside their office where the locals and passers by could come and pick up a Grow Your Own Kit or make a wild flower Seed Bomb. The children were able to paint a plant pot to take home. This gave folks the opportunity to talk about climate change and tell the Red Chair team what they thought about it. The feedback on the Kits has been great, everyone that's received one has been happy with them, and the team can confidently say that the Grow Your Own Kits have been a huge success in their community.

If you’re curious about how the plants in the Kit may develop over the summer, you’re invited to see for yourself at the Red Chair Office in Denny Street, Inverness. If you’d like to reach out to Red Chair to discuss their projects and progress, we’d love to instroduce members to one another. Reach out to us at to discuss.


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