Meet the businesses who are part of Highland Cup Movement network

25 businesses across the northern Highlands have signed up to join the Highland Cup Movement network and will trial a reusable cup scheme for takeaway drinks until Autumn 2023. The aim of the project is to make it easy for customers to make the switch from single-use cups to reusable ones for their takeaway drinks. Using innovative app technology, customers will be able to borrow a reusable cup and return it to the business they purchased the drink from or another business in the Highland Cup Movement network. If the cup is returned within 14 days, the customer can use this service at no additional cost. The Highland Cup Movement network includes a range of businesses who sell takeaway drinks in and around the NC500 route. They include cafes, a campsite, visitor attractions, delis, restaurants, mobile vans, bakehouse. A map of the businesses can be found on the Highland Cup Movement webpage and on the Vytal app

Enjoy a free hot drink in May when you borrow a Vytal reusable cup

​We encourage you to download the Vytal app and during the month of May you can enjoy a free hot drink. Once you have downloaded the Vytal app, you can claim your free hot drink from one of the 25 businesses in the Highland Cup Movement network, the first time you borrow a Vytal reusable cup. Details of the promotion can be found here. A map of the businesses can be found on the Highland Cup Movement webpage and the Vytal app can be downloaded from the Apple and Google Play store. 


“You can’t eat the landscape”


Climate Action Hubs - Learnings from the Pathfinder Hubs