Greening Community Assets Fund

Are you interested in energy efficiency measures for a community building? Your community body or social enterprise may be eligible for the Greening Community Assets Fund that Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) are delivering in partnership with Local Energy Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of £30,000, applications over this may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Eligible Activities

  • Energy efficiency: LED light fittings, new windows, insulation or water reducing devices for a village hall, community centre, community-owned shop, etc.

  • Renewables: We may be able to contribute to the costs of a CARES approved Let’s do Net Zero Community Building project where the measures to be match funded by HIE haven’t been installed.

Expression of Interest forms should be submitted as soon as possible, ideally no later than 26th November 2021, there will then be an application form to follow and if successful, an approval and claim form. Clink the button below for Expression of Interest form.

Joan Lawrie

Joan has worked for Thurso Community Development Trust since its inception in 2018. Firstly as a volunteer project officer before taking on the role of Development Officer and now Development Manager. Joan has a BA Child & Youth Studies, a BSc (Hons) Sustainable Development and is currently working on an MSc Net Zero Communities all through University of the Highlands & Islands.

Joan is passionate about the link between climate action projects and how these can help to solve issues around inequalities in our communities. She also constantly likes to think around how we can do differently to be the change.

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