Climate Hub FAQ

As we’re new on the block, we thought it might be useful to have an FAQ on what exactly a Climate Hub is!

Where did the climate hub come from?

In 2020 the Scottish Government announced plans to set up a network of Regional Community Climate Action Hubs. These Hubs are to provide support, advice and to help community groups set up climate action projects. Along with this, to develop a network of climate action across the North Highlands & Islands.

Are there any other hubs?

Yes! Thurso Community Development Trust and Aberdeen Climate Action were selected to run the pilot phases on the hubs. You can find more information on the North East Scotland Climate Action Network (NESCAN) hub here

Who will the hub work with?

We will primarily be working with community groups to establish a network of climate action across the area, however we are also working with Highland Adapts, a Highland Council initiative that works with several agencies to look at how the Highlands will adapt to climate change and to give clear messaging on climate change.

So, what is the Hubs plans?

We are currently working on mapping community led climate action across the Highlands & Islands during our initial 6 month pilot period until March 2022. We will be engaging with community groups about climate action projects they have carried out, and speaking to groups who wish to set up a climate action project. We aim to embed climate action in everything we do.

How is the Hub connected to Thurso Community Development Trust?

Thurso Community Development Trust secured the funding to run the Hub, therefore we are a branch of the Trust! Our staff often work in the Thurso Community Development Trust offices. We cover a larger geographical area, from Caithness down to the Black Isle, Orkney & Shetland.

If you cover a larger area, where are your staff based?

We have a Development Officer based in Caithness, one in Orkney and one in Inverness. Our staff work from home but visit the Trust base every month so we can all work together in person.

What is a climate action project?

A climate action project can range from a new renewable heating system in a village hall, to a community garden that grows food. Other climate action can include repair and re-use projects, tool libraries, community larders & fridges, waste minimisation, active travel projects, energy advice, electric community transport, the list goes on! Climate action projects essentially are projects that are environmentally conscious and reduce your communities carbon footprint but can also have other benefits to the community that’s not just related to climate change.

What do you hope the Hub will achieve?

A diverse network of community led climate action projects throughout the North Highlands & Islands, and inspiring communities to take up a climate action project. We think we have a great chance here to put the North Highlands & Islands on the map for it’s climate action projects!


Community Climate Action Plans


Highland Climate Conference